Materialize CSS

Animation in Materialize CSS

Animation in Materialize CSS

Learn Animation in Materialize CSS

Materialize CSS is one of the most widely leveraged CSS frameworks for building websites and web applications next to the Bootstrap. Materialize CSS is rich in features and has got components that are required to build even a complex application. However, when it comes to animations in Materialize CSS, the framework doesn’t have any dedicated animation functionalities integrated inside it. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to add animations to the Materialize CSS framework using the Animate CSS framework. Adding Animation in Materialize CSS is never this easy. Lets do the Animation in Materialize CSS with the following easy steps.

Animate CSS:

Animate CSS is one of the most leverages CSS frameworks for animation. Animate CSS can be either downloaded as a CSS file or can be linked to the working HTML file using the CDN. Mentioned below are both the options to import the Animate CSS into the HTML

Download the file from the following link: here

Once downloaded link it in the following way

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="animate.css">

Import the CDN using following code

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

In the Materialize CSS case, we will be having the started template as mentioned below

  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <!--Import Google Icon Font-->
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
      <!--Import materialize.css-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

      <!--Let browser know website is optimized for mobile-->
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>


      <!--JavaScript at end of body for optimized loading-->
    <script src=""></script>
Animation in Materialize CSS
Animation in Materialize CSS

In the starter template, we can add the CDN of Animate CSS to incorporate the Animate CSS in the project. Once it is embedded, we can start animating the components in Materialize CSS.

  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <!--Import Google Icon Font-->
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
      <!--Import materialize.css-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <!--Let browser know website is optimized for mobile-->
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>


      <!--JavaScript at end of body for optimized loading-->
    <script src=""></script>

After including the Animate CSS CDN, now we can add a button in our body. Which will produce the button in the output. Once we include the button, we can start animating the button by adding the class animated followed by the animated class. In this example we have included the class to bounce the button from right. This will add the animation in the output.

<a class="waves-effect waves-light btn animated bounceInRight">button</a>

We can refer the Animate CSS library to lookup varied options of animations. Also we want the animation to be looped continuously we can add the class infinite after the animated class.

<a class="waves-effect waves-light btn animated infinite bounceInRight">button</a>

Now that you have learnt Animation in Materialize CSS, you can also Learn about Shadow Effect in Materialize CSS

Dinesh Kumar R

Director at Mahadhi Technologies, Mahadhi Healthcare, Ampersand Academy, Motorjob, Swadata Analytics. I create engaging user interfaces for enterprise-level applications using HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, JQuery, TypeScript, Angular Material, Bootstrap, MaterializeCSS. I also craft beautiful, lead-generating websites which engages the visitors. Connect with me with your creative needs. Favourite Quote: If everything seems under control, you are just not going fast enough.

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