
Variables in SASS

Variables in SASS

What are variables in SASS and Learn Variables in SASS

Sass variables are basic: you relegate a value to a name that starts with $, and afterwards, you can allude to that name rather than the actual worth. In any case, notwithstanding their straightforwardness, they’re perhaps the most valuable tool Sass brings to the table. Variables make it conceivable to lessen redundancy, do complex math, arrange libraries, and considerably more.

A variable affirmation looks a great deal like a property assertion: it’s composed <variable>: <expression>. In contrast to a property, which must be pronounced in a style rule or at-rule, variables can be proclaimed anyplace you need. To utilize a variable, simply remember it for worth.

CSS also has its variables, and CSS variables are compatible with almost 90% of the available browsers. Following is CSS variable syntax.


To call the variable syntax in CSS is as follows.

	background-color: var(--blue);

SASS variables are easy to implement. The SASS variable starts with $ and its easy to call the variable by prefixing the $ just before the variable name. Both SASS and SCSS variables begin with $. By implementing the following code, you’ll learn variables in SASS.

SASS Variable Syntax

$primary-color: #d2d2d2
	color: $primary-color

SCSS Variable Syntax

$primary-color: #d2d2d2;

CSS Output

	color: #d2d2d2

CSS Variables vs. SASS Variables

CSS has variables of its own, which are entirely different from Sass variables. Know the distinctions! Sass variables are completely gathered away by Sass. CSS variables are remembered for the CSS yield. CSS variables can have various qualities for various components, however, Sass variables just have each worth in turn. Sass variables are basic, which implies assuming you utilize a variable and, change its worth, the previous use will remain something very similar. CSS variables are explanatory, which implies in the event that you change the worth, it’ll influence both prior utilizes and later employments.

In the next tutorial, we will be learning Nesting and Interpolation in SASS.

Dinesh Kumar R

Director at Mahadhi Technologies, Mahadhi Healthcare, Ampersand Academy, Motorjob, Swadata Analytics. I create engaging user interfaces for enterprise-level applications using HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, JQuery, TypeScript, Angular Material, Bootstrap, MaterializeCSS. I also craft beautiful, lead-generating websites which engages the visitors. Connect with me with your creative needs. Favourite Quote: If everything seems under control, you are just not going fast enough.

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