Know what is TypeScript, its Benefits and how to install TypeScript in Windows, Mac and Linux Machines. Getting started with TypeScript

Getting started with TypeScript
Getting started with TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and has some vital advantages which make it profoundly used in Angular, React. Following are the key points that make TypeScript unique which includes but are not limited to 

  1. Discretionary static typing(the key here is discretionary)
  2. Intuitive Type Interface which allows programmers to get more code without typing 
  3. Early access to ES6 and ES7 features even before support from various browsers
  4. TypeScript automatically compiles to comfortable JS versions which render in all major browsers
  5. Support from IntelliSense which makes TypeScript robust and user-friendly for programmers

Now that we have discussed TypeScript and its benefits, let’s deep dive into TypeScript installation.

Step 1: Make sure you have installed Node 

Step 2: Open Command Prompt in your system. Rest assured; TypeScript is compatible in all Windows, Mac and Linux systems

Step 3: Type tsc in command prompt. The tsc command shows TypeScript version if already installed or if not installed already it will throw an error

Step 4: If tsc command throws the error you can install the TypeScript with the following command 

npm install -g typescript


npm i typescript

-g describes the global installation, and i describes the local folder installation of TypeScript
Step 5: The above command will install the TypeScript
Step 6: Once installed you can check the correctness of installation by typing tsc in Command Prompt

Going further we will discuss our first program in TypeScript.

Now that you have learnt about Getting started with TypeScript. You can also check our Roadmap to Web Development in 2021. Check our Angular with Angular Material Training from Ampersand Academy