Get the latest and working keyboard shortcuts for Excel. Learn these Easy Excel Shortcuts.

We’ve put together a list of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Excel. Although you can do all of these manoeuvres manually, knowing these tricks will help save you time so you can focus on the stuff that really matters.

excel shortcuts
Excel Shortcuts

Navigation Shortcuts:

Ctrl + 1 :    Open the “Format Cells” dialog.

Ctrl + T: “Convert selected cells to a table. You can also select any cell in a    
                 range of related data, and pressing Ctrl + T will make it a table.

ARROW KEY: Move one cell in a given direction

CTRL+Arrow Key: Move to the edge of the current data region

HOME: Move to the beginning of the row

CTRL+HOME: Move to the beginning of the worksheet

CTRL+END: Move to the last cell in the worksheet in the lower right corner
PAGE DOWN: Move one screen down

PAGE UP: Move one screen up

ALT+PAGE DOWN: Move one screen to the right

ALT+PAGE UP: Move one screen to the left

CTRL+PAGE DOWN: Move to the next sheet in the workbook

CTRL+PAGE UP: Move to the previous sheet in the workbook
Enter: Move down selection 

SHIFT+ENTER: Move back through a selection

TAB: Move from left to right within the selection

SHIFT+TAB: Move from right to left within the selection

CTRL+G: Goto

Data Selection Shortcuts:

SHIFT+Arrow Key: Extend the selection by one cell

CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow Key: Extend the selection to the edge of the current        
                                                   data region

SHIFT+HOME: Extend the selection to the beginning of the row

CTRL+SHIFT+HOME: Extend the selection to the beginning of the

CTRL+SHIFT+END: Extend the selection to the last cell in the Worksheet

CTRL+SPACEBAR: Select the entire column

SHIFT+SPACEBAR: Select the entire row

CTRL+A: Select the entire worksheet, Select all

CTRL+SHIFT+* : Select the current region

CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR: With an object selected, select all objects on a

Formatting Shortcuts:

CTRL+1: Format cells (display the Format Cells dialogue box)
CTRL+SHIFT+$: Apply the Currency format with no decimal (negative
                                  numbers appear in parentheses)
CTRL+SHIFT+%: Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places
CTRL+SHIFT+@: Apply the time format with the hour and minute and AM or PM
CTRL+SHIFT+!: Apply the two decimal place format with commas
CTRL+SHIFT+&: Apply the outline border
CTRL+SHIFT+_: Remove the borders
CTRL+B: Apply or remove bold formatting
CTRL+ I: Apply or remove italic formatting
CTRL+U: Apply or remove an underline
CTRL+5: Apply or remove strikethrough
 ALT+o,c, a: Fit width to cell (Quickly fit column width to the width of the
                       current cell) 

Data Entry Shortcuts:

ALT+ENTER: Start a new line of text entry in the same cell

CTRL+DELETE: Delete text to the end of the line
SHIFT+F2: Edit a cell comment

CTRL+D: Fill down
CTRL+R: Fill to the right

CTRL+ENTER: Fill the selected cell range with entry
BACKSPACE: Activate and clear the formula bar when a cell is selected or 
                           delete the preceding character in the formula bar

EQUAL SIGN: Start a formula

CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER: Enter a formula as an array formula

ALT+EQUALSIGN: Insert the Auto Sum Formula

ALT+e,s, command: Paste special (Copy part of cell or multiply, divide, add,
                                         or subtract selected cells by one number. 

CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN: Insert blank cells
Shift+F3: Function wizard

Other Operation Shortcuts:

CTRL+9: Hide rows

CTRL+SHIFT+9: Unhide rows

CTRL+Zero: Hide columns

CTRL+SHIFT+Zero: Unhide columns

CTRL+F9: Minimize workbook

CTRL+F10: Maximize workbook

SHIFT+F10: Show a shortcut menu

CTRL+W: Close window

F10 or ALT: Make the menu bar active

Now that you know Excel Shortcuts, Learn Advance Excel, and step into a new world that can lead you into a job from multiple domains. Also, now that you about Introduction to SAS, learn How to Install SAS University Edition.